Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kirk is a Loser

I call Kirk Mr. Health now! He is walking 5 miles a day and does the elliptical at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes. I am still at 5 minutes on the elliptical because of my knees (I sound like my mom).
We are eating healthy by adding more fruits and veggies to our diet. Kirk is also watching portion sizes. He only drinks Diet Pepsi on the weekends.
The picture on the left was taken the end of January when we were in Florida. The picture on the right was just this morning. Kirk saw the Florida picture and said he looked pregnant. Then when he put that same shirt on this morning he could feel the difference. I just had to take a picture.
He is feeling and looking gooood!

Friday, April 24, 2009

The World According to Matthew

I call these Matthewisms and I just had to share because they make me laugh.

Adele: I just threatened to to have Grandma Dee Dee (great grandma) take Matthew to school
Matthew's response: How? She's SO OLD! 4.23.09

Matthew to Adele: I can't WAIT to be 9 years old. I'm going to be in the adult school in church. Isn't that SO COOL Auntie? 3.27.09

Matthew to Adele: Puppito (Matthew's dog) is a girl because my mom calls her princess and she really is Auntie. She acts like a spoiled princess! 3.31.09

Matthew to Michelle as they are getting into the car to go to preschool: Sorry for the bad word momma but the bag is in the way and I can't close my fricken belt! 2.12.09

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Count Your Blessings

As the song goes:
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!

(Johnson Oatman, Jr. pub. 1897)

1. Family(yes, ALL of you)
2.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
3. Kirk
4. My job
5. All of my friends (you know who you are)
6. Our home
7. Facebook- I can talk to my friends and family daily (not just Mafia Wars)
8. Blogs- I can keep up with all of my long distant friends. Even the close ones.
9. Vacations (when is the next one?)
10. Weekends with the grandchildren
11. Omaha Zoo

As I get up each morning and get ready for the day I say, "Thank you." These are just a few of the things that I am always giving thanks for. With everything going on in the world today we need to focus on all of our blessing.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Adele's Day Care

Logan, 19 months, is really learning at Adele's daycare! Before you know it she will be sending me a picture of him doing calculus. lol
She says he is doing really good with the other little boy.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Day at the Zoo

I spent the last week hanging out with the grandchildren, Matthew and Logan, in Emporia, Kansas. One night we had a picnic dinner at Peter Pan Park where they got so tired and dirty. We were having so much fun during the week that Michelle, Matthew and Logan came up to Omaha with me to see Papa. Saturday we had a great time at the Zoo. They had not seen the Butterfly Pavilion so that is the first place we went. Then we had to go to the aquarium because Matthew likes it but this time it was Logan that would not leave. He loved the penguins and all of the fish. We also went to the Young Woman Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser where Matthew made a new "best" friend, Cooper. The Young Woman did a great job and even had activities for the kids.
Now it is back to work!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Murder at the Four Deuces

I am still trying to catch up on my blogging so here is our excitement for February. We went to the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Flint Hills murder mystery. Adele and Cortney worked hard on this huge event. Their hard work paid off because it was a really fun event. Michelle was one of the characters; who knew the girl could act. They had a lovely dinner that was inspired by food you would get served in the 20's. We partook of the different courses as the mystery unravelled. Then as a table we had to guess who the killer was. Kirk and I teamed up with Courtney's family to question the cast of characters, trying to guess who the culprit was. I believe there was about 250 people but nobody got it right. Just shows what great actors they were.

Cast of Characters: Adele has been working at BBBS and Cortney is the director. Michelle just loves to help (and obviously act).